Setting Priorities and Standards for the neglected areas of your life
I created the title for this blog as part of a series on the journey to happiness. If you focus on neglected areas of your life and raise them up to a higher standard, will your life be better off?
I could give a short list of neglected areas in my life and then see what happens if I pay more attention to them.
Here is my short list: exercise, cooking healthy meals, writing consistently, cleaning out clutter/closets, finish projects.
If I were to prioritize, I'd say the way I am feeling right now, I need exercise more than anything else.
Exercise, a severely neglected area of my life. I am feeling very overweight (I'm at my highest weight ever), and very frustrated with myself. I know better. I was a phys ed major, have always been active, and have let the typical "I don't have time" excuse get in my way.
What would be some things I could do to get more exercise?
Join a Zumba class
Go to the gym regularly (I have a paid membership and haven't attended since last October when they fired my favorite Pilates instructor- which only hurts me and not them!)
Take walks around the neighborhood or on local trails
Take another type of class- Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.
Exercise at home with or without video instruction.
Follow my Dancing With the Stars DVD's and Dance myself to good health (I've done a few times lately but not consistently)
That's a pretty good list. And I know me, I am more likely to do something in my house than if I have to go elsewhere.DVD's and my step box will do just fine.
And how much time is enough time? Science says anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes per day. I would venture to say 3 hours per week would be a good benchmark to start so that is my goal.
How will I keep track of my progress? A good old-fashioned chart on the fridge works best for me- no complicated computer programs. I need something I can see as I reach for the ice cream!
So, now I have identified a neglected area, prioritized the one that means the most to me right now, brainstormed a list of possible solutions, picked a few that have the most likihood of success, and set a SMART goal.
I will spend 3 hours per week doing some sort of exercise using my DVDs and step box.
AND I will chart my progress for everyone to see (especially myself!)
So, now it's your turn. What areas of your life are getting neglected? How does that make you feel and what are you willing to do about it?
Let me know!
Happy June,
Weather: Love it or hate it!
12 years ago