Thursday, March 11, 2010

Intentions VS reality in an unfocused world

I wrote this essay to prove a point. See if you recognize yourself in here...

I woke up with the energy and determination of Hercules. I was on a mission to get things done! The plan was to get some exercise done, eat well, and get some chores off my “To Do” list; laundry- I need my pants cleaned for the meeting tomorrow, groceries, correspondence that was over due.
I quickly dressed in my exercise clothes, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to let the dog out. I put on a kettle for tea and started upstairs to get the laundry. With this much energy I figured I should strip the beds and grab all the towels while I was at it! When I grabbed the clothes from the hamper some papers fell out of my husbands pants- a pay-stub, tissues, the usual business cards from work contacts. I put the paystub and cards on his dresser and noticed a bill that needed paying. I tucked that in my pocket and headed downstairs to my checkbook.
The kettle was wailing so I made my tea. I ran back upstairs to get all the laundry. It took two trips to the laundry room. But my tea was getting cold so I went back to the kitchen, but what’s tea without the newspaper so I went outside to get the paper. I noticed some weeds near the porch and dug a few out and started a pile that I was sure I could get back to later. Paper in hand I headed back to the kitchen for my tea, which was now cold. Into the microwave to reheat! Ugh!
An hour later I had read the whole paper and finished my tea. Where did the time go? I ran to the laundry room to wash the sheets to start.
I went to my desk to pay the bill I found and realized I hadn’t balanced my checkbook this month. I got out the statement and started checking things off. It took 45 minutes but I found the missing penny! Once the bill was paid I couldn’t find stamps. I pulled everything out of the drawer and nothing there, but I came across some Christmas cards that never got logged into my Christmas registry. That was put away in the basement but I figured no time like the present so off I went to the basement to find the Christmas card box. 30 minutes later I had checked off the 3 cards I found and updated an address.

My stomach began to growl and I realized it was almost noon and I hadn’t eaten breakfast or done my exercises for the day! I still had to put the sheets in the dryer and start the next load of towels. What about the clothes I need for tomorrow’s meeting- that will be load number 3. I also hadn’t started my grocery list or written the letter to the insurance agent I needed to get out. I had no stamps to send the letters so that meant a trip to the post office. I had a pile of weeds started in the yard and it looked like they would sit there until at least tomorrow….
I guess the exercising will wait till tomorrow. I have a lot to do before my 3pm appointment at the dentist. What do I do first?.....

Did you see all my mistakes? How will you live your life differently? If you want some help changing things around and doing what is important in your life in an organized way, send me an email.


Unknown said...

Many of my days turn out like this! I too start out with a plan but I allow my good intentions to get sidetracked. Why? Do I really not want to do the chores? Am I disorganized? Do I have the attention span of a four year old? Still trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, I'm late getting dinner started...


Morgen M said...

Getting side-tracked is a problem. It's better to just add the noticed issue to your list. Take the bill to the office, and ask your Husband to pay it. And log his paycheck! And balance the bank account! Goodness - enough already!

Sheets and towels are done one day of the week - period! The rest of the time, unless there is a good reason, just make the bed...

Does my life look like this? Sometimes. I found a system to change me, and when I use it, it works.

Most of the time right now, I'm fighting some infection or another, or praying that things will be OK. This has been a winter of one illness after another - very strange for me, who hasn't been ill at all for 3 years.

Monica Leggett said...

Thanks for the comments so far. One thing that has worked for me to stay focused is to priortize a SHORT list to do TODAY. Once I have done those, I know I can move on. If something comes up in the meantime, I write it on my list to do later.
I think the key is planning the daily or weekly priority list first and sticking to it!