Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I finally did it!

I am a life coach. With that comes the responsibility of doing the things I encourage my clients to do- like de-clutter or get my house in order. De-cluttering has always been a problem of mine. I get attached to things, I save too much, I don't take the time to set up a system or put things away or file for that matter. Then after things pile up, I get frustrated and try to tackle it.

For the last 15 months it has been my goal to clean up my bedroom. I moved here 4 years ago and still hadn't put everything away. I was almost done last summer when I stopped short of completion. What was left was the 3 boxes of papers that needed sorting, thinning out, or filing. The desk had a layer of old bills and notes about this and that. My dresser had piles of winter socks and assorted small items. My side of the bathroom vanity was piled high with makeup, hair products and jewelry.

This year I've been motivated by the fact that my daughter is getting married and the photographer will be taking pictures upstairs- Melissa getting ready, Melissa and her bridal party, Melissa and her proud mom, whatever!

So yesterday, after talking with MY life coach (yes I have a coach too)about why I've been resisting the final push, I set up a schedule and did it! I stayed focused on the task. I resisted my computer, the phone, the to-do list,the refrigerator and my dog. Now the taxes are all filed, the papers are put away, and donations are in a bag heading to Goodwill. I even tackled the master bath. Toiletries are thinned out and shelved, and the jewelry is organized.

I am quite proud of myself. When I woke up this morning, I no longer had to look at a messy desk or bookshelf, cluttered corners or a messy bathroom. I could open my eyes and enjoy what I was seeing! The wedding is 10 days away and I am ready. Woo Hoo!


Morgen M said...

It feels good, doesn't it? My office is my problem spot. It looks like a tornado hit it.

I moved in 10 months ago and lost my job 6 months ago. The office has become a dumping ground since then.

On top of all this, I decided to get a room mate to save my house!

I had to clear out the room (my sewing and craft room, also a dumping ground) to make it a bedroom for someone. That meant all the "stuff" had to find a new home.

Most of it went into my bedroom (HELP!) but a little spilled over into the office "until the bedroom can be navigated" or I get so sick of it that I toss everything and start over.

I hope to get the shelves up in my bedroom in the next couple of weeks, starting the organization there...

Best to your daughter! Sounds like a great event coming up...

Monica Leggett said...

Hey Morgan, I've been busy with my other blog (and the wedding)and didn't see your comments.
All I can say is 1. Decide what you want. 2. Envision it (clean room, clear-out office) 3. Make a list of each part of the tasks 4. Prioritize and DO! Good luck.